Grey Lynn

About This Project

The owners of this Grey Lynn property had lived in the existing brick and tile 1950’s cottage for a number of years and with a growing family, the 82m2 home was proving inadequate. They really enjoyed the location and northerly aspect of the site so instead of relocating they decided to add to the existing house to meet their needs.

The owners desired a more contemporary look for the addition but this created some challenges due to the Heritage zoning on the street. Intended to preserve the heritage nature of the area, this zoning generally applies where there is a concentration of villas or bungalows, and any external works carried out must relate to the style of the existing home. In this case the existing home was a bit of an “ugly duckling” on the street and after extensive discussions and minor modifications to the plans, council accepted the proposal.

The intention of this project was to create a Japanese influenced look to the house and the completed addition has achieved this , resulting in a home that sits well amongst its neighbours while being truly different. The new spaces generated enable the owner’s long-term ambitions for their family to be comfortably met in a way that suits their personalities and lifestyle.